May 19, 2011
Boy's Room Pictures " HGTV Green Home 2011 "
Stripes of wood flooring create a rug-like effect in the home’s second guest bedroom, designed to accommodate a young boy. “That’s where the character starts in that room,” says interior designer Linda Woodrum.
A reading area comprises an adult-size chair upholstered in green fabric, a felt pillow and a Merino wool throw. “It has a very masculine vibe, which is a nice contrast to the pink room,” says Linda.
An appliqued throw pillow, crafted by artist Alexandra Ferguson, incorporates felt fashioned from 100-percent recycled plastic PET containers.
A topaz wall color complements light wood stripes in the flooring. The standard-size bed, crafted by carpenter David Brown from old doors, is as comfortable for a child as for an overnight guest.
A mirror is framed in recycled pieces of tin — a global tapestry of recycled iron sheet packaging.
An industrial-style photographer’s task lamp spotlights the four-poster bed, a cozy space to do homework or catch up on reading.
Two natural grass hampers provide storage space for toys or laundry.
Kid's Rooms