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Choosing the correct bathroom decor is a crucial step for any Do It Yourself bathroom remodel. Once you have chosen your bathroom theme you will be ready to pick out the items to decorate your bathroom. These items could include things such as bathroom window treatments, flowers, candles and wall decorations such as pictures and other wall hanging items..... even the color of paint for your bathroom.
Your bathroom should have plenty of light while at the same time you need to ensure privacy. These two factors should influence your choice of window treatments. Window Treatments can actually play a very important role in your bathroom decor.... then how about a nice thick bathroom rug to match the window treatments.... just select the colors to match your theme.
You can find items to fit just about any theme that you desire, including western, nautical, modern or any other. You are only limited by your imagination. A good source to find your items are decoration catalogs. These usually have many items to choose from in many different themes.
If you have two or more bathrooms in your house, why not apply different themes on each? Base each theme on one of your hobbies or interests, or let the person who uses a specific bathroom the most choose. You'll find the appropriate bathroom accessories and decorations to go with the chosen theme.
Another thing to consider when creating your perfect bathroom are paint colors. Choosing the correct paint colors for your bathroom walls and ceiling can also help create the atmosphere for your chosen theme. Decorating with paint is one the most inexpensive ways to add a great look to a bathroom.
In choosing your bathroom color, Listen to your walls. Imagine that they can talk. What are they telling you? Choosing your bathroom colors say something about you. It can also affect the feel of the space. Bathroom colors can determine whether the space is stimulating and lively or neutral and quiet. It can also be relaxing and calming. The right bathroom colors play a large role in the statement you wish the room to convey to your guests.
You will also want to take careful consideration when choosing your cabinets, vanity, sink, toilet, shower, tub and any other features that go into your bathroom. You will want to have all these items work together to compliment the rest of your bathroom. Your floor and also your lighting are two other areas that need to be paid attention to. Dimmers on your lights are a great way to add a special touch to any bathroom.
DB Mills writes and maintains DIY Bathroom, a site dedicated to helping the Do It Yourself bathroom remodeler. For more information about Bathroom Decor, visit the Bathroom Decor section of the site.
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